Monday, April 16, 2007

Vitamin A is good for Acne?

Vitamin A is one of the building blocks of the body’s immune system. It plays a key role in the formation of intact epithelial tissues, which are the first barrier to infections, and also in keeping white cells healthy to fight bacteria. Vitamin A is used in the skin turnover process to help generate the new cells that replace the dead ones. The vitamin provides a temporary boost in the production of collagen and can lend the skin a more youthful appearance for a while.

An insufficient supply of Vitamin A can lead to dry skin, also called xerosis. The best sources of Vitamin A are milk, eggs, orange foods, specifically dark orange, such as sweet potatoes and carrots and dark green foods like kale, spinach, and broccoli.

One of the most frequent ways of treating acne is the use of retinoids. Retinoids are substances derived from Vitamin A, which attempt to cure acne by normalizing the lifecycle of follicle cells. The best known external retinoids are Retin-A, Differin, Isotrexin and Tazorac, while the oral retinoids list is headed by the popular's Accutane (isotretinoin) and Roaccutane.

Huge quantities of vitamin A (up to 500,000 IU per day) have been used effectively to treat severe acne cases. But taking vitamin A at those levels can be quite toxic.

Retinoids derived from Vitamin A are not recommended as a usual treatment for acne and should be taken only under the control of a dermatologist.

The biggest drawback of retinoids is the long list of serious side effects, which sometimes makes retinoids look like a disease rather than a cure. For example, Accutane can cause birth defects, premature births, serious mental health problems, hearing and vision problems and many more. So, the bottom line is that retinoids are a good idea if you can cope with the side effects. But, why not use something just as effective, but without the side effects. Acne treatment systems endorsed by herbalist’s and doctor’s, such as ClearPores, are also well-liked because of their success in dealing with the condition, but lack the extreme side effects that makes retinoids a pain to use.

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