As acne resolves, it leaves a hyperpigmented spot on the skin. This is the result of natural healing process. This hyperpigmentation mark slowly fades away and sometimes it takes up to a year. If after a year also you see a mark, you have an acne scar. Let us discuss about the type of acne scars in detail.
Acne scars are of two types -keloids and depressed scars. Keloids are raised scars. Keloids form in few people and a keloid is a mass of tissues that grows on the site of the injury. Keloids are difficult to treat and look very ugly. Keloids are more commonly found on male torsos. Other type of increased tissue formation scar is called hypertrophic scar. Hypertrophy means overgrowth.
Majority of people form depressed scars. The depressed scars form as a result of loss of tissue at the acne site. The tissue is lost when the acne spreads inside the skin and gets attacked by the white blood cells. Some collagen is lost in this process. The new skin grows over the depression and a depressed scar forms. The depressed scars are classified in to three types- ice pick scars, boxcar scars and rolling scars.
Icepick scars-
Icepick scars are commonly deep scars. They may also be superficial. They look sharp as if the skin has been cut with an icepick. These scars are difficult to treat with laser or dermabrasion as they go deeper inside.
Boxcar scars-
These scars do not have sharp edges unlike icepick scars. Boxcar scars are oval or round and commonly they are not very deep.
Rolling scars-
When the scarred skin looks rolled, the scars are known as rolling scars.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
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